Automating Hadoop Cluster Using Ansible

Vanshita Mittal
3 min readNov 30, 2020


🔰 Task Description📄

Configure Hadoop and start cluster services using Ansible Playbook


step 1. Copy java and Hadoop software

step 2. Install java and Hadoop software

step 3. create directory for namenode and datanode

step 4. Configure hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml file

step 5. format namenode and start services for both the nodes

step 6. check the report

🔰 Practical:

  1. Setup the controller node with installed and configured ansible

Now, create inventory and write managed node ip , user name , password in it.

To, create ansible config file.

2. To check all the hosts

To check , managed nodes are ping or not.

3. As Now, we can see previously java and hadoop software are not installed in managed node.

4. Now, Create a playbook for NameNode.

To install java and hadoop software.

To create directory and configure hdfs-site.xml file

To configure core-site.xml file ,then format namenode and start services

Now, run the playbook .

5. Now, create a playbook for DataNode.

Now, to check the syntax of playbook

then run the playbook.

6. Now, to check .

Here , softwares are installed and services is also started in both Namenode and Datanode .

7. Now, to check the report of hadoop setup , use

hadoop dfsadmin -report

✨ Task is suceessfully completed !!



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