Vanshita Mittal
3 min readJun 27, 2020

Finally , I completed #Task2 of Mlops+Devops under the mentorship of #VimalDagaSir , #IIEC #DevOps

This is Vanshita Mittal , intern at DevOps Assembly Lines under the mentorship of Vimal Daga Sir .

thanks Vimal Daga sir for great content and deep knowledge and also thanks to Akul Maurya for helping me to resolve my errors .

1. Create container image that’s has Jenkins installed using dockerfile

2. When we launch this image, it should automatically starts Jenkins service in the container.

3. Create a job chain of job1, job2, job3 and job4 using build pipeline plugin in Jenkins

4. Job1 : Pull the Github repo automatically when some developers push repo to Github.

5. Job2 : By looking at the code or program file, Jenkins should automatically start the respective language interpreter installed image container to deploy code ( eg. If code is of PHP, then Jenkins should start the container that has PHP already installed ).

6. Job3 : Test your app if it is working or not.

7. Job4 : if app is not working , then send email to developer with error messages.


  1. Firstly download jenkins using Dockerfile

it will download jenkins for us.

use docker build and run commamds to launch jenkins ….

2. then create repository on github and upload some file in it.

3. then now create jobs ->

Job1 : Pull the Github repo automatically when some developers push repo to Github.

Job2 : By looking at the code or program file, Jenkins should automatically start the respective language interpreter installed image container to deploy code ( eg. If code is of PHP, then Jenkins should start the container that has PHP already installed ).

Job3 : Test your app if it is working or not.

then if it is not working , then send mail to developer .

If container stop , then launch automatically ….

So now My Project is READY .

Build Pipeline View …..

Thanks Vimal Daga Sir for this great knowledge .

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