Load Balancer Setup Configuration Using Ansible on AWS

Vanshita Mittal
Dec 16, 2020


🔰 TASK :

Use Ansible playbook in AWS to Configure Reverse Proxy i.e. Haproxy and update it’s configuration file automatically on each time new Managed node (Configured With Apache Webserver) join the inventory.


  1. Launch two instance over AWS cloud , then configure there ip in inventory as one for loadbalancer , one for webserver .

Configure the ansible config file.

2. Check the connectivity using

ansible all -m ping command .

3. Then config haproxy config file using jinja keywords.

4. Now, create a playbook named web.yml

for webserver :

for loadbalancer :

Now, run the playbook .

5. Now to check the setup ->

In Loadbalancer :


In webserver:

Now , check webpage using loadbalancer ip:port no.

✨Task is successfully completed !!



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