My experience with Git and Github Workshop
3 min readFeb 1, 2021
This weekend had an amazing two-day workshop on Git and Github delivered by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga hosted by LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt. Ltd.
This article is the overall summary of my experience.
🔰DAY 1 :
- SCM , (source code management )refers to tool like git that keep track on our code with a complet history of changes.
- Git is a popular tool for source code management. With the help of git programmers are contributing to open source code and working as a team during software development.
- We create workspace for coding. After the code is done we add the code file and commit it. And to deploy or share to team we push it in our github.
- Gitbash is a local VCS tool for mananging the versions of our code. Github is a central hub on internet where we can store and share out repositories with other.
- Learn about commit area and staging area in git
- Learn to create a branch in git
- Learn about Rollback and rollout
- Learn to merge feature branch with master branch
- Learn about upstream
- Learn to create a repository in git
- Learn about push and pull command Learn
- Learn about to upload local repository to remote repository
- Learn about git clone command
🔰 DAY 2 :
- Learn the importance of automation
- Learn about continuous integration , CI/CD tool Jenkins
- Learn about metadata , cat-file command used to see metadata
- learn about trigger , Learn about webhook
- Learn to create an automation setup that when developer commit the code , then it automatically push to github , then run job and configure the new webpage
- Learn about gitkraken , graphical tool for git
- Learn about different types of merge - Fast forward , Recursive
- Learn about cherry pick
- Learn about merge conflict and how to resolve it , manually and also using p4merge tool
- Learn about the concept of stash , reset , soft reset etc.
Thus ended a two-day workshop or, if I may say so, a wholetraining’s worth of discussion about Git and Github.